Interactive Data’s Continuous Fixed Income Evaluated Pricing Now Available on Kuberre Systems’ Event Fusion Platform


As part of its continuing strategy to provide world-class analytics and data solutions to investors, Kuberre Systems today announced that it is now offering Interactive Data’s Continuous Evaluated Pricing service on its Event Fusion platform. Event Fusion’s inclusion of continuous evaluated pricing will support trading desks and portfolio managers with intraday insights into fixed income markets that were not readily available before now.

Interactive Data, a trusted global provider of financial market data, analytics and related services, launched its continuous fixed-income evaluated pricing service in late 2014 against a backdrop of a fast-evolving fixed income market structure characterized by shrinking dealer inventories, liquidity concerns and a shift to electronic trading venues. The continued move to electronic platforms requires a supply of independent, high-quality data that helps users to assess quote quality and enhance price discovery, which is facilitated by Interactive Data’s ground-breaking service.

Event Fusion offers real-time alerts for relevant price movements and news and information potentially affecting investment holdings. It draws from disparate data sources, selecting news about events that users deem relevant and providing actionable real-time notifications over a wide range of preferred devices and integrated platforms. Event Fusion offers a simple process for incorporating market data or news feed subscriptions and bundling them with social media or other unstructured data sources. These alerts help end users stay apprised of price movements, as well as helping traders and portfolio managers to be among the first to receive alerts.

“The ongoing electronification of the fixed income market, the quest for liquidity and an increased regulatory focus on best execution all drive the need for greater transparency into intraday fixed- income evaluated pricing movements. Our collaboration with Kuberre will enable portfolio managers and traders who use Kuberre services to gain deeper insights and transparency into the fixed income markets,” said Andrew Hausman, President Pricing & Reference Data at Interactive Data.

“We are very excited about the relationship and could not be happier to make available such a dynamic and established market data service through the Event Fusion Platform,” said Kumar Metlapalli, founder and CEO of Kuberre Systems. “Our focus with Event Fusion is to provide rich, real-time data content which can be used in investment process workstreams. With continuous evaluated pricing, our users now have access to high-quality near-real time fixed income evaluations,” he added.

Event Fusion’s interface allows investors without the intervention of IT to create alerts on their watch list in seconds.  Alerts are generated in real time via a mobile app, SMS, e-mail, or the application dashboard.  Event Fusion lives in the Cloud so the service is available anywhere one has access to a web browser.